To attract butterflies to your garden it is necessary to plant those food plants that the butterfly larvae or caterpillars will feed on. Throughout Australia butterfly gardening is beginning to gain momentum and if those individuals or community groups engaging in Rainforest regeneration and restoration projects adopt larval food plants into their planting schemes, then it will be the butterflies that benefit. In turn, so too will the casual and serious observer of nature. Remember that if you are providing the salad, expect it to be eaten, so you’re not going to grow that perfect plant so dear to the heart of the chemical industry. Once the trees are established resist the temptation to squash the grubs and experience the joy of adult butterflies flying through your garden.
Tree Host | Butterfly |
Alphitonia excelsa (Red Ash) | Small Greenbanded Blue |
Fiery Jewel | |
Copper Jewel | |
Archontophoenix (Bangalow Palm) | Orange Palmdart |
Atractocarpus sps. (Native Gardenias) | Bee Hawk Moth |
Callicoma serratifolia (Black Wattle) | Eastern Flat |
Capparis arborea (Brush Caper Berry) | Caper White |
Common Pearl White | |
Cassia marksiana (Brush Cassia) | Lemon Migrant |
Castanospermum australe (Black Bean) | Pencilled Blue |
Cinnamomum oliveri (Oliver’s Sassafras) | Blue Triangle |
Citriobatus pauciflorus | Bright Copper |
Citrus australasica (Finger Lime) | Orchard Butterfly |
Dingy Swallowtail | |
Capaneus Butterfly | |
Cryptocarya glaucescens (Jackwood) | Orchard Butterfly |
Cryptocarya laevigata (Glossy Laurel) | Blue Triangle |
Cryptocarya triplinervis (Three-veined Laurel) | Blue Triangle |
Macleays Swallowtail | |
Cupaniopsis anacardioides (Tuckeroo) | Dark Ciliate Blue |
Candalides margarita | |
Hairy Lineblue | |
Fiery Jewel | |
Felders Lineblue | |
Glistening Blue | |
Daphnandra micrantha (Socketwood) | Macleays Swallowtail |
Diospyros fasciculosa (Grey Ebony) | Cephenes Blue |
Drypetes australasica (Yellow Tulip) | Common Albatross |
Ehretia acuminata (Koda) | Hairy Blueline |
Common Aeroplane | |
Elaeocarpus obovatus (Hard Quandong) | Fiery Jewel |
Endiandra pubens (Hairy Walnut) | Macleays Swallowtail |
Ficus obliqua (Small-leaved Fig) | Common Crow |
Flindersia australis (Teak) | Orchard Butterfly |
Flindersia schottiana (Cudgerie) | Orchard Butterfly |
Floydia praealta (Ball Fruit) | Pencilled Blue |
Harpullia pendula (Tulipwood) | Cornelian |
Litsea leefeana (Brown Bolly Gum) | Blue Triangle |
Livistona australis (Cabbage Palm) | Orange Palmdart |
Lophostemon confertus (Brush Box) | Common Red-Eye |
Eastern Flat | |
Macadamia tetraphylla | Six Lineblue |
Melicope elleryana (Pink Euodia) | Ulysses Swallowtail |
Emperor Moth | |
Melodorum leichhardtii (Zig-Zag Vine) | Pale Green Triangle |
Four Bar Swordtail | |
Neolitsea dealbata ( White Bolly Gum) | Blue Triangle |
Pararchidendron pruinosum ( Snow Wood) | Tailed Emperor |
Pipturus argenteus (White Nettle) | White Nymph |
Podocarpus elatus (Plum Pine) | Eastern Flat |
Wilkiea huegeliana | Regent Skipper (Endangered) |
Reference : Common I.F.B. & Waterhouse D.F. (1981)
Butterflies of Australia Rev. ed. Angus & Robertson